Offshore DX partnering Japan

Creating Synergies In Japan Digital Landscape

Month: May 2023

Offshore Companies Need to Join Japanese Government-Industry Academy Collaborative Projects to Succeed in Japan

Offshore companies that fail to join Japanese government-industry- academy collaborative projects may face difficulties in realizing business success in Japan. There are a number of reasons for this, including limited access to opportunities, lack of local knowledge and networks, missed technology transfer, limited government support, and trust and credibility.

MyNumber Platform: A New Opportunity for Offshore Businesses

The MyNumber Platform is a new government initiative in Japan that aims to create a single, unified identifier for all citizens and residents. This identifier will be used to access a variety of government services, including healthcare, education, and social security. The MyNumber Platform is also a big data platform that can be used to improve government services and create new business opportunities.

Japan Government Takes Steps to Attract Offshore CEOs

The Japanese government is taking a number of steps to attract offshore CEOs to Japan. These steps include providing financial incentives, creating a more welcoming environment, and promoting Japan as a destination for offshore CEOs. The government’s efforts are part of a broader strategy to boost economic growth and innovation. Offshore CEOs can bring with them new ideas, technologies, and business models, which can help to revitalize the Japanese economy. Additionally, offshore CEOs can help to create jobs and boost exports.